The Hanging of Uriah Glass

The Hanging of Uriah Glass

October 17, 1834

The Hanging of Uriah Glass

Former Fayette County Sheriff Uriah Glass was legally hung on October 17, 1834 in Fayetteville for the shooting death of Charles Pearson. The shooting had happened at Coker’s Tavern in Fayetteville in early September of 1834. Both men had been drinking. Glass was represented by Obadiah Warner, who presented the case of self-defense, with his client stating that Pearson had hit him with a chair. Glass admitting shooting Pearson twice with his gun and he leapt over a rail to the open space of the tavern attempting an escape. Sheriff Wyatt Heflin had arrested Glass and held him in the county jail until September 11, when the trail was held. The jury found Glass guilty but recommended mercy. Judge Hiram Warner, brother of the defense attorney, sentenced Glass to hang adding “and may God Almighty have mercy on your soul.”


BY: John Lynch



A Glass Family History; Fayetteville Enterprise article by Lester Dickson; Scarlett’s Letters

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